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Film Review : The Neon Demon (18)

| July 15, 2016

Following Drive and Only God Forgives the latest offering from Nicolas Winding Refn is The Neon Demon which explores the world of modelling, fashion and beauty.

Released : Friday 8th July 2016
Rated : 18
Running Time : 117 mins
BBFCinsight : Strong bloody images, necrophilia, sexual assault
Director : Nicolas Winding Refn
Cast Includes : Elle Fanning, Jena Malone, Keanu Reeves, Christina Hendricks, Abbey Lee, Bella Heathcote, Karl Glusman, Desmond Harrington

Jesse (Elle Fanning) is a beautiful young model, naive yet determined to succeed in the cut throat world of modelling. Jan (Christina Hendricks) is the agency boss who signs the young Jesse but she’s soon out of her depth as the other models envy her natural beauty leading to a horrific end for the young and aspiring model as she literally becomes consumed by her rivals.


Nicolas Winding Refn is a director who knows how to make a good film, the cinematography in The Neon Demon is excellent and in keeping with his last film, Only God Forgives.

The scenes in the film tie together to create a compelling film centred about what happens when envy meets beauty. Look through the film to see the story as every movement, reaction and response makes a statement.

If you want to become a film director and make great, outstanding movies with spectacular cinematographic shots then watch this film and learn from Nicholas Winding Refn who is undoubtedly one of the greatest directors of today.

With an 18 rating this is anything but a family film, however it’s entertaining and definitely worth watching.

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