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Plans to redevelop part of an industrial estate in High Wycombe may result in closure of local company

| July 5, 2020


A local company is facing a potential threat of closure following an application for planning permission to redevelop part of the industrial estate on which they are based.

A planning application, reference 20/06417/OUT, was submitted to Buckinghamshire Council on Friday 12th June 2020 to redevelop part of the land at Binders Industrial Estate, Cryers Hill Road, Cryers Hill near High Wycombe.

The outline planning application is for the demolition of four existing industrial buildings and structures and the erection of single industrial shed (use class B2) comprising of four units with associated parking.

However the plans would see the redevelopment of the land and demolition of the building in which Wycombe Recycling Ltd is currently based requiring the company to find new premises from which to operate.

A policy in the Local plan states that if development is granted, a new site for the recycling must be provided. A new site has not yet been provided therefore the company would be forced to close and 16 jobs would be lost.

Commenting on the planing application one the directors of Wycombe Recycling Ltd, Adele Hawes, said: ‘Wycombe Recycling are not against the site being developed, in fact we had been working with the landlord to come up with a Modern recycling facility that would suit all parties.

We are still hopeful this might happen. It makes sense, it would save jobs, save recycling AND give the landlord a modern facility paying higher rent.

A Facebook page has been created by Wycombe Recycling Ltd to explain the full effects of the planning permission, should it be granted, on their business. It can be viewed at the following link : https://www.facebook.com/wycomberecycling/photos/a.130317503708171/3990213707718512/?type=3&theater.

There is also a page on the Wycombe Recycling Ltd website which gives a detailed response by the company to the planning application, it can be viewed at the link here.

More than 110 objections to the planning application have been submitted to far.

Full details of the planning application, associated documents and how to lodge an objection can be found on the Buckinghamshire Council Wycombe Area website at https://publicaccess.wycombe.gov.uk/idoxpa-web/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=QBSSOMSCIBP00.

The closing date for objections to be received by the planning authority is Thursday 9th July 2020. The outcome of the planning application is due to be decided on or before Tuesday 15th September 2020.

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