Monsoon and Accessorize stores in High Wycombe close

The notice in the window of the former Monsoon store in High Wycombe.
The Accessorize and Monsoon stores in High Wycombe have closed.
Notices have been placed in the windows of both shops informing potential customers that both shops closed on Sunday 2nd February 2020. The shops are now empty having been cleared of goods for sale.
Both shops were located in Newlands Meadow in High Wycombe’s Eden Shipping Centre.
Following the demise of the High Wycombe branches the nearest Monsoon store is in Maidenhead while the nearest Accessorize is located in Marlow.

The notice in the window of the former Accessorize store in High Wycombe.
The closures of Monsoon and Accessorize follow the recent closure of the Jessops store also in the Eden Shopping Centre.