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Controlling interest in Wycombe Wanderers to be sold

| February 13, 2014

Today Wycombe Wanderers Trust announced plans for the sale of a controlling interst in the club to an as yet undisclosed company.

A statement by the trust said the unknown company are committed to injecting funds into the club to enable its development both on and off the field.

The sale only relates to a controlling interest in the football club. The freehold of Adams Park and all the club memorabilia will still remain under the ownership of the Trust through its subsidiary Frank Adams Legacy Limited.

The Trust would also maintain a significant minority shareholding in the club and retain at least one seat on the board and further rights which will reflect the Trust’s position as the custodian of the clubs heritage.

Under the rules of the Trust 75 % of all Legacy members would need to vote in favour of a sale. To start this process it is proposed to hold a Trust  members’ forum at 8pm on Tuesday 18th February 2014 in the Vere Suite, when details of the proposals will be presented, together with the opportunity for  members to ask questions.

If the Legacy members approve the sale the new owners will be in control during March 2014.

Read more at http://www.wycombewanderers.co.uk/news/article/trust-statement-ownership-1358468.aspx#Z3shCaCFdPOR8qvd.99

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