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Information appeal launched by Police following robberies in High Wycombe

| February 19, 2016


An appeal for information has been launched by Thames Valley Police following two robberies and an attempted burglary in Wycombe.

On Wednesday 17th January 2016, shortly after about 8.00pm, two men tried to enter a property in Old Forge Road. They were challenged by the householder and made off.

At about 8.30pm three men entered a house in Hawthorne Road and forced a 16 year old boy and 60 year old woman into a bedroom. A handbag, credit cards and cash were stolen.

Just before 9.00pm three men entered a property in West Wycombe Road and demanded money. One man was armed with a screwdriver and another had a knife. A bangle was removed from an elderly woman’s arm. The victim suffered discomfort but did not require hospital treatment.

The offenders were white men. One was about 6ft and the others about 5ft 8ins and of medium muscular build. They were wearing dark clothing with dark masks or bandanas over their faces.

Investigating officer Det Con Gareth Nicholson said: ‘This was a very upsetting experience for those involved and we are appealing for any information the public may have to help us identify the offenders.

It is likely the offenders used a vehicle to travel between the locations. We would like to hear from anyone who saw anything suspicious, perhaps a car parked with the engine running.

Police patrols have been increased in the vicinity and officers are on hand to answer any questions.

If you have concerns please approach an officer in your area. You can also call 101 to speak with a member of your local neighbourhood policing team.

Thames Valley Police are appealing for anyone with information about the incidents to contact Det Con Gareth Nicholson from Force CID based at Wycombe police station via the 24-hour Thames Valley Police enquiry centre on 101.

If you don’t want to speak directly to the police you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.

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