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Opinion : With so many sexual assaults taking place is Wycombe a safe place for women?

| April 12, 2016


After arriving home from work the other evening yours truly sat down in my drawing room for a rest, switched on my trusty computer and took a look at the news section of this site.

I was saddened to read the news article about a 15 year old girl who was sexually assaulted in the Eden Bus Station.

Over the past few weeks there have been several such incidents against women in High Wycombe. During the early hours of Sunday 6th March 2016 a woman was sexually assaulted in Priory Road.

On Easter Sunday 27th March 2016 another woman was sexually assaulted in London Road close to the Trinity United Reformed Church.

On top of all this, in an incident the police believe may be connected to the assault on the girl in the Bus Station, a man started touching himself over his clothes in front of a 19 year old woman and 20 year old woman who were travelling on the number 74 bus to High Wycombe.

Do you know it makes me sick to think there are men out there who will behave in such a way. What is our society coming to?

What makes the incident in the Bus Station worse is that the assailant carried out the attack after seeming acting in a gentlemanly manner by letting the girl get on the bus before him, however his chivalrous gesture appears to have been devised to line up the victim for a sickening sex attack.

It’s worrying that things are so out of hand that one of the aforementioned attacks was carried out in broad daylight at times at a place when there were lots of people around. Another attack took place near a church on Easter Sunday.

The beasts carrying out these attacks are a disgrace to society, women should be able to walk freely in the town free from fear of assault.

I hope the police catch and prosecute fully those who are acting inappropriately towards the ladies of the town. Anyone convicted of such a crime should, as part of their sentence, be compelled to leave the town so they no longer pose a threat to the community.

If someone is convicted of a sex crime they may go onto the Sex Offenders Register, however after leaving prison they are free to walk around in society and mingle with the populous who have no idea of the heinous nature of their past offences.

Unless the perpetrators are caught and brought to justice they are likely to commit another despicable crime resulting in another innocent victim’s life being ruined.

Wycombe should be a place where everyone can walk about safely knowing they are free from attacks of any kind.

What do you think?

*My blogs are published every Tuesday and Friday evening around 8.00pm here on the WycombeToday.com website.

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