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Third person arrested following stabbing incident in High Wycombe

| December 19, 2018

A third person has been arrested by Police in connection with an incident of assault in which a man was stabbed in High Wycombe.

Between 6.20pm and 6.30pm on Wednesday 12th December 2018 a man in his twenties was stabbed and suffered chest injuries during an assault in Juniper Road, High Wycombe.

Thames Valley Police have arrested a 25 year old man from High Wycombe on suspicion of grievous bodily harm in connection with the incident. He has been released under investigation.

Previously a 26 year old man and a 17 year old boy, both from High Wycombe were arrested on Wednesday 12th December 2018 on suspicion of grievous bodily harm with intent. The 26 year old man has been released on police bail until Saturday 12th January 2018 while the 17 year old has been released under investigation.

Further information on this news story is available at the following link : ‘Man stabbed during assault in Juniper Drive, High Wycombe‘.

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