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FLOOD UPDATE : Keep hold of your sandbags

| February 18, 2014

Buckinghamshire County Council Offices, Aylesbury. 2009-04-06

Flood water may be subsiding in many areas and people may want to dispose of their sandbags as part of the clearing-up process. However groundwater levels are still very high and more rain is forecast.

Buckinghamshire County Council is recommending that while Environment Agency flood warnings and alerts are still in force anyone who has needed sandbags to keep water off of their property over the last few weeks should keep all sandbags in place.

Buckinghamshire County Council leader Martin Tett said: “It’s not worth taking any risk with your property and our advice is to keep hold of your sandbags while there’s still a flood danger. Once the risk has passed, we’ll be working with other agencies to offer advice on sandbag disposal.”

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