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Opinion : Like a round of golf? YesPlease!

| July 8, 2014


When the clock says lunchtime you can be sure that yours truly is out the door like a flash and walking down the High Street to find somewhere to sit and eat my sandwiches.

A few days ago, while on my regular lunchtime walk around the town centre, I ventured round to Frogmoor and sat on a bench for a few peaceful moments.

It seems a new shop has opened in Frogmoor called YesPleaseGolf. As the name suggests the shop specialises in everything to do with the wonderful game of golf.

After eating my lunch my good self decided to go in and take a look around. I must say that I was impressed with what I saw.

The ground floor is filled with golf clothing, clubs, balls, bags, trolleys in fact anything a serious golfer could possibly dream of.

Upstairs is full of yet more golf clubs from different manufacturers and to my amazement there’s even an indoor putting green to try out the clubs before you buy as well as an area for driving.

It may come as a surprise to you but many, many years ago yours truly was quite good at golf indeed at one time several of my friends suggested that I should even turn professional.

Every Saturday I could be found either at the local driving range or practising my putting, driving and chipping on my own private golf course constructed in the grounds of my estate.

All too often over the years Wycombe has been lumbered with yet another branch of a faceless High Street chain store selling the same goods here as they do in every town. I must say the YesPleaseGolf showroom impressed me an awful lot indeed its a credit to Frogmoor and to Wycombe in general.

It’s so nice to see a retailer opening in the town that isn’t a betting shop, charity shop or fast food outlet. What’s more YesPleaseGolf is selling quality items at reasonable prices.

It just shows that Wycombe can attract serious retailers and the new golf shop has definitely raised the diversity of shops in our town centre which can only be a good thing.

Wycombe is a town with such great potential yet sadly over the years that potential has not been realised to the full. Maybe now we are at a turning point? I certainly hope so.

Do you know I feel the new golf shop in Frogmoor is a breeze of fresh air. This is exactly the sort of shop Wycombe needs, they deserve to do well.

What do you think?

*Don’t forget my blogs are published here on WycombeToday.com twice a week every Tuesday and Friday evenings around 8pm.

*If you should see me walking around the town centre at lunchtimes why not come up and say hello? I’m very friendly and always happy to hear from my readers!

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