£2.5 million programme to improve pavements across Buckinghamshire
Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) have started work on a £2.5 million programme to improve pavement surfaces across Buckinghamshire.
Buckinghamshire County Councillors have identified 49 locations for the foot way treatment programme to tackle between now and March next year.
Last week (19th-28th August 2014) pavements in Spenser Road, Aylesbury were repaired. This week (29th August 2014 – 5th September 2014) work began on pavements in Broughton Avenue, Aylesbury.
Also on the schedule for pavement treatment this week are: Treachers Close, Chesham; Page Hill Avenue, Buckingham; Packhorse Road, Gerrards Cross; Burkes Road, Beaconsfield.
When County Council budgets were set, earlier this year, Members agreed substantial investment was required to stop pavements deteriorating.
They agreed to earmark £1.7m for work during 2014/15 with additional money each year for the next three years. Since this announcement the budget for foot way works in 2014/15 has been increased to £2.5m.
Pavements prioritised for treatment have been chosen by County Councillors, each Councillor nominating two sites in their division for inclusion in a rolling programme of work in the next two years.
More information on the 2014/15 Transport fro Buckinghamshire foot way Treatment Programme including locations of works, can be found at : http://www.transportforbucks.net/Roadworks-Centre/Schemes-and-projects/Our-schemes-and-projects/Footway-Treatment-Programme.aspx