Two Councillors step down from Aylesbury Vale District Council
Aylesbury Vale District Council has given notice of two ‘casual vacancies’ for district councillors in Aylesbury.
With immediate effect Michael Beall (Labour), who represented Southcourt ward, and Stuart Jarvis (Liberal Democrat), of Gatehouse ward, have stepped down from their roles.
Following formal notice of the vacancies a by-election can be triggered in each ward by two local electors requesting that one be held.
Confirmation of an exact date for the by-elections will follow once requests from electors have been received. The by-elections must be held within 35 days of the council receiving formal notice.
When available further details will be published on the AVDC website.
A casual vacancy is the term given when an elected seat is vacated during an electoral term, either through the death, resignation or disqualification of the sitting member.