‘Fair Funding for Buckinghamshire’ petition from SaveWycombeHospital passes 3,000 signature mark
The ‘Fair Funding for Buckinghamshire’ petition, which is part of the ‘Hand Back Our Hospital Hand Campaign’ from SaveWycombeHospital has passed the 3,000 signature mark.
This petition is designed to address what is believed to be the underlying cause of the issues at Wycombe Hospital namely lack of funding.
To follow the progress of the campaign to SaveWycombeHospital visit @HandBackOurHosp, https://www.facebook.com/groups/savewycombehospital/ and www.savewycombehospital.wordpress.com. People can also email in to [email protected] and will be kept updated via email once they’ve signed the ‘Fair Funding for Buckinghamshire’ petition.
For more information on the SaveWycombeHospital campaign you can also view the following YouTube videos :
Hands up for a hand back video :
Comments video :