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Historic gates linking Wycombe Abbey School to The Rye may be restored

| January 10, 2015


A planning application has been submitted to Wycombe District council to restore the historic gates linking Wycombe Abbey School to The Rye.

If approved the existing wooden gates would be replaced with metal gates, the railings would be decorated and a second wooden gate would be erected set back from proposed new metal gates.

The gates, railings and gate piers came originally from the old War Office when it was located in Pall Mall (Cumberland House 85 to 87 Pall Mall and Buckingham House at 91 Pall Mall). They were purchased by Lord Carrington, the then owner of Wycombe Abbey in 1908-09 when the area was remodelled and were first used as a screen to Daws Hill House Drive. In 1924 the gates and railings, which extend for a length of fifty metres were moved to their present location when Lord Carrington gave the eastern arm of the Dyke to the town as a memorial to his son. During War War II the original gates were removed.


The gates are only opened several times a year so parents from the school can leave school premises after special events to relieve pressure on the Abbey Way roundabouts. The gates are also opened during the Wycombe Half Marathon to provide part of the course.


The new metal gates will be mild steel black in colour with a powder coated finish. The existing railings are to be shot blasted and coated in black enamel paint. Localised repairs will be undertaken to small areas of severe corrosion and there will be a full replacement of one section of railing that is beyond repair. The replacements will match railing panel adjacent.


The current planning application is for the renovation of a ten metre section of the railings and gates.

The application, reference 14/08247/FUL and 14/08248/LBC, was submitted on Thursday 18th December 2014, it is currently pending consideration and has been given a target determination date of Tuesday 3rd March 2015.

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