Man exposed himself in Aylesbury
An incident of exposure took place in Thame Road, Aylesbury between 4.00pm and 4.20pm on Tuesday 27th January 2015.
A man was walking back and forth along the footpath which leads from Churchill Avenue to the iron bridge over the railway station.
The man approached a 20 year old woman on two occasions and exposed himself before walking off.
The man is described at white, aged in his late twenties, 5ft 11ins tall, slim build, with short dark brown hair. He was wearing a waist-length navy blue waterproof jacket, black dusty combat trousers and carrying a string bag, which was possibly black.
Thames Valley Police are appealing for anyone with information about this incident to contact investigating officer PC Andrew Melton of Aylesbury police station via the 24-hour enquiry line 101.
If you do not want to speak directly to the police you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers (opens new window) anonymously on 0800 555 111. No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.