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Railway line between Leamington Spa and Banbury to re-open on Friday 13th March 2015

| March 4, 2015


The railway line between Leamington Spa and Banbury will re-open on Friday 13th March 2015, three weeks earlier than originally expected.

It has been closed since Saturday 31st January 2015 due to 350,000 tonne landslip near Harbury, a few miles south of Leamington Spa.

The bus replacement service currently in operation between Leamington Spa and Banbury will continue to be in use until Thursday 12th March 2015.

For several months after the railway re-opens Network Rail engineers will remain on site as work continues on the cutting and additional investigations of the surrounding area.

Before reopening the section of railway will be fully tested as it has not been used for the duration of the closure.

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