Opinion : There is nothing wrong with dressing smartly
My attitudes towards life may be old fashioned but as far as I’m concerned there is nothing wrong with the ways of the past.
Yours truly always behaves impeccably and I always dress smartly indeed a jacket, shirt, tie and polished shoes are my preferred attire.
Last weekend an article appeared on a national news site about a celebrity who was refused entry to the Centre Court Royal box at Wimbledon because he did not meet the rules of the strict dress code.
As far as I’m concerned a dress code is a good thing indeed its a shame standards of dress are not enforced more in society.
Suppose a dress code was introduced in Wycombe town centre? Wouldn’t it be a better place?
I wonder what modern day youngsters would think of having to abandon their baseball hats, baggy trousers and trainers in favour of a collar and tie?
You think my idea is silly? Well, prospective employers are going to want the younger generation in a shirt, tie and formal trousers otherwise they won’t be getting a job.
Uniforms are prevalent in the service industries of our town indeed train drivers, bus drivers, shop assistants and the emergency services all have regulation clothes.
Maybe they should introduce a uniform for the towns taxi drivers, market stall holders and other traders too?
Just look at the clothing shops in Wycombe. Most of the items on display are what people call ‘smart casual’, personally I am appalled by some of the supposedly new clothes on sale.
Only the other day my good self saw a pair of faded and creased jeans on display in a shop. I was tempted to call an assistant and inform them that a tram had left their clothes in the shop until the friend whom my good self was with told me that they were the clothes of modern day youngsters.
Really, who buys clothes that are faded and creased when they are new?
Sadly buying proper clothes in Wycombe can be quite a challenge indeed try buying a bowler hat in Wycombe town centre. It’s an impossible feat. Baseball hats are aplenty though.
Unfortunately that dress standards have fallen throughout time and our society is worse off.
It’s about time strict standards of smart dress were made fashionable again then maybe people would have more pride in themselves and our town would be a smarted place to live?
What do you think?
*My blogs are published every Tuesday and Friday evening around 8.00pm here on the WycombeToday.com website.
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