Opinion : Be careful not to fall on fallen leaves
The clocks have gone back, the leaves have turned colour and it rains almost every day. Autumn has definitely arrived.
If you know where to look there are some lovely Autumn colours to be seen as the leaves turn on the trees around town.
Of course as the leaves turn they fall and end up on the ground. With the wet weather slippery leaves can be a dreadful nuisance for passing pedestrians.
Just this week my good self was on my regular lunchtime walk around the town centre when I decided to go off my usual route into one of the back streets.
While negotiating my way around a car that was parked half on the pavement yours truly happened to slip on some wet leaves that had fallen from a nearby tree.
One moment yours truly was promenading along the street the next I had came a cropper and was sprawled out flat on the pavement. Luckily the only thing hurt was my pride but it could have been a rather nasty fall if I had hit my head or twisted my ankle.
When the icy weather comes the powers that be are always quick on gritting the main arterial roads so motorists can drive safely but sadly when the leaves fall the pedestrians have to cope with walking on slippery pavements covered with leaves.
Of course many householders have trees at the edge of their property which drop leaves onto the pavement outside. Perhaps the householder should be compelled to clear the leaves to make sure the pavements are safe for passing pedestrians?
The poor pedestrian has to cope with so many things such as cars are left parked on the pavement, pavements that are in a terrible condition, mess from dogs and puddles when it’s wet. Is it any wonder so many people travel by private motor car and bus to avoid walking?
When roads are re-surfaced the pavements should be too. When roads are gritted so should the pavements. Parked cars should be towed away if they are left partly on the pavement.
Next time your humble servant goes for a walk at lunchtime I will be careful to avoid fallen leaves. Having a fall at my age isn’t worth it. If I were to be seriously injured slipping over and was unable to write my blog there would be so many disappointed readers out there.
What do you think?
*My blogs are published every Tuesday and Friday evening around 8.00pm here on the WycombeToday.com website.
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