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New digital x-ray unit installed in the minor injuries unit at Wycombe Hospital

| November 24, 2015

Wycombe Hospital. 2009-05-14

A new digital x-ray unit has been installed in the minor injuries unit at Wycombe Hospital.

The new x-ray unit was installed thanks to Miss Kathleen Biggs, who worked at the hospital for many years as head pharmacist, after she bequeathed a legacy to Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust charitable fund following her death in 2013.

A plaque celebrating the generous donation of Miss Biggs was unveiled at the Hospital today, Monday 23rd November 2015, with relatives and friends of Miss Biggs present at the unveiling ceremony.

The x-ray room at the minor injuries unit has been totally remodelled and refitted to accommodate the new unit. Although it is primarily for the use of patients within minor injuries, the unit can also be used for patients throughout Wycombe Hospital.

Mrs Elizabeth Lowe, whose mother had been a close friend of Kathleen’s from childhood, commented: ‘Kath would have been delighted to learn that her donation was being put to such good use‘.

Jane Barrow, head of radiology, explained how the new equipment is being used for the benefit of patients and the local community: ‘The unit is totally digital and requires a much lower dose of radiation, around 30% less. Although we are all exposed to radiation every day, from the sun for example, to help avoid potential negative health effects we aim keep any exposure from man-made radiation, such as from x-rays units – to a minimum.

Also, our radiographers can immediately review the x-ray on a screen and they will also be able to share the image with specialist consultants throughout the Trust. So even if a consultant is based in Stoke Mandeville they can instantly examine patient x-rays carried out in Wycombe.

This is a wonderful legacy benefiting the community Kathleen Biggs once served as head pharmacist, from a generous lady who is much missed by all who knew her.

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