Wycombe District Council launch survey on community safety priorities for 2016 to 2017
Wycombe District Council have launched a consultation survey on the priorities for the Wycombe Community Safety Partnership for the year April 2016 to March 2017.
The results of the survey will influence the work the partnership will undertake next year with the results published in April 2016. Anyone who completed the survey has the chance to win £25 of Eden gift vouchers.
So far the following have been identified as priorities for next year:
- Crime and anti-social behaviour
- Domestic abuse
- Exploitation of the vulnerable
- Continue the work of the Nightsafe partnership
- Cybercrime
Although they have not been included as individual priorities, the Community Safety Partnership is aware that drugs and alcohol fuel a large proportion of crime and anti-social behaviour and as such will feature in the work we undertake to tackle our priorities.
For further information and to complete the survey please visit the community safety priorities for 2016 to 2017 survey page on the Wycombe District Council website.
Further information on the Community Safety Partnership page on the Wycombe District Council website.
The survey closes on Friday 19th February 2016.