Crime prevention event to take place in Burnham on Friday 18th December 2015
A crime prevention event will take place at the Police Information Point (PIP) in Burnham library, Windsor Lane between 2.00pm and 4.00pm on Friday 18th December 2015.
Thames Valley Police are inviting local residents to the event, which aims to provide an array of crime prevention advice to help reduce the chances of people falling victims of crime.
Neighbourhood officers will be available to meet and talk to local residents as well as answering any questions or concerns.
The PIP opened its doors to the residents of Burnham in Buckinghamshire at the beginning of 2015. Staffed by trained volunteers it is a multi-functional service which provides the public with a range of advice on crime reduction and community safety as well as other police and community related information.
The PIP cannot be used to report a crime or incident as this must be done via 101 for a non emergency or 999 if it is an emergency.