Buckinghamshire County Council approves 2016/7 budget
At a meeting on the morning of Thursday 18th February 2016 Buckinghamshire County Councillors approved the final budget for 2016/17 by a majority vote.
Council members agreed a £331.674 million revenue budget with a council tax requirement of £245.183m and a Band D county precept of £1,160.19 for the year.
Full council approval followed a special meeting of the council’s Cabinet on Tuesday that reconsidered budget recommendations in the light of new transitional funding announced by the Government amounting to £10.8 million over three years – the bulk of it over the coming two years.
The £10.8 million of extra funding will mean that, although the financial implications for the council are the same in the long term, some of the impact of the cuts can spread over three years rather than imposed immediately.
An area to receive interim funding will be roads where extra funding will allow total investment of £16m in roads and pavements in 2016/17 and a further £13m in 2017/18.