Temporary road closures in place during English Defence League Demonstration in High Wycombe on Sat 9th April 2016
On Saturday 9th April 2016. starting at 1.45pm, the English Defence League will be holding a demonstration in High Wycombe.
During the demonstration there will be some temporary road closures in place in High Wycombe town center.
For a very short period of time, at around 1.45pm, the A404 Amersham Hill will be closed to allow the demonstrators to make their way from the railway station to Frogmoor where the those attending the march are expected to demonstrate and make speeches. The same road closure will apply when they make their way back to the railway station.
Between approximately 2.00pm and 5.00pm Castle Street, Church Street and Frogmoor will be closed and access for vehicles going up Corporation Street to Castle Street will be restricted for the duration of today’s demonstrations.
In agreement with bus companies, some town centre bus routes have been diverted.
Around 1,000 people are expected to be involved in the march which could include around two hundred EDL members. Counter demonstrations are also expected to take place on the same day.
Once the speeches are finished Police are expecting the protesters to disperse and leave High Wycombe.
Police have been authorised to use Section 60AA of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 as a result police officers will be able to require a person to remove any item which the officer believes that person is wearing wholly or mainly for the purpose of concealing their identity.
Anyone failing to comply with a request to remove the item will be committing a criminal offence.