Opinion : My home is NOT for sale, so don’t ask me to sell it
Hasn’t the weather been nice recently? Not only has the sun got his hat on but a stripy blazer and white summer trousers too.
The other day my good self decided to book a day off work for a well deserved break to enjoy the sunshine. What a treat it was not having to get up at 5.00am and journey into Wycombe for work.
There I was on my day off relaxing in my drawing room early in the morning. Suddenly the sound of something dropping through my letterbox punctuated the silence.
Could it be the postman? Well that was most unlikely as the mail usually arrives in the afternoon.
What could the mystery delivery be and more importantly who delivered it at this early hour?
Naturally my inquisitiveness took over and within a flash I made my way towards the large window in my living room. Peeking through the curtain I could see the shape of man making his way along my drive towards the street.
The man was wearing tracksuit bottoms a cheap top and what appeared to be trainers. Never have I ever seen a man dressed more in the manner of a stereotype ‘chav’ than the person leaving my property.
Whatever could the lowly messenger have delivered?
Upon investigation there on my front doormat was a promotional card from a local estate agent purporting to be in the business of selling upmarket homes. The card went on to imply that they should be contacted to sell my home.
Regular readers will know that my home is what would be classed as prestigious indeed my drive way is so long that I can easily get up to 30mph in my trusty car when leaving the property and the extensive grounds of the estate with formal lawns need hours of tending.
Naturally yours truly was very upset at receiving the advertisement card. It’s dreadful having adverts poked through my door by organisations implying that I should contact them sell up. Who are they to get me out of my home?
They say that an Englishman’s home is his castle, I have no intention of leaving, selling or moving out. As far as I’m concerned cards from those selling houses inviting people to sell up are bordering on intimidation and should not be allowed.
In my opinion if someone does want to sell they should be the one who approaches a suitable organisation rather than being coaxed into moving out to bolster the profits of the house agents.
What makes the whole thing so laughable is that the delivery messenger was anything but upmarket. Who would employ a man wearing trainers, tracksuit and baseball cap to sell their house? If they were wearing a suit, bowler hat and carrying a briefcase then it’s a different story.
Unwanted deliveries can be upsetting, especially when the message delivered is unwanted.
Something needs to be done to stop unwanted deliveries to the houses of the town especially when they are opportunistic, on-the-fly attempts to drum up trade.
What do you think?
*My blogs are published every Tuesday and Friday evening around 8.00pm here on the WycombeToday.com website.
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