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Opinion : Have you encountered a nasty smell in West Wycombe Road?

| July 5, 2016


The other evening, a few days ago, yours truly was returning home in my trusty motor after a particularly busy and stressful day at work.

As usual my route home happened to take me along West Wycombe Road. Just as my good self got to the crossroads with Desborough Avenue and the The Pastures a nasty and most pungent smell happened to engulf the inside of my car.

This wasn’t the first time that it’s been particularly whiffy in that part of West Wycombe Road, indeed on and off for several weeks now a dreadful smell has been present in that part of town.

What on earth is causing the odour?

Is there a problem with the nearby river? Have the drains blocked in that part of town? Is it anything to do with the EU referendum?

Not since the Booker stadium charade of a few years ago has a pungent smell hung over part of Wycombe in such a persistent and noxious manner.

It’s not as if the smell is always there, it seems to come and go but it’s not there as much now as when it first appeared.

On my way home the other evening I once again found myself turning off the ventilation fan and winding up the windows while passing by the affected part of Wycombe. As soon as my vehicle was a hundred yards of so further up the road yours truly could partake in some fresh air once again.

Has anyone else had their nostrils punished by the whiffyness that periodically springs up in the West Wycombe Road area?

The sooner the smell is eliminated the better. When the hot weather comes it would be dreadful to get stuck at the traffic lights and have to close the windows in my car.

What do you think?

*My blogs are published every Tuesday and Friday evening around 8.00pm here on the WycombeToday.com website.

You can also follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ivor.wycombe or on Twitter at https://twitter.com/Ivor_Wycombe.

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