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Police attend three firearms incidents in just over 12 hours in High Wycombe

| October 21, 2016


Three firearms incidents in just over 12 hours in High Wycombe have prompted Thames Valley Police to launch a witness appeal.

At about 8.35pm on Thursday 20th October 2016 witnesses heard a firearm being discharged and a bullet was subsequently recovered from a door at an address in Chiltern Court, High Wycombe.

At 11.50pm, also on Thursday 20th October 2016, witnesses heard the sound of a firearm being discharged and the sound of breaking glass in Copyground Lane. Officers attended the scene and found that a silver Audi in the car park of Chiltern Court had been shot.

At 9.17am on Friday 21st October 2016 police officers were called to a property in Chairborough Road following reports that an item believed to be bullet had been found in the living room. It is believed the item entered the property through a window.

Nobody was hurt in any of the incidents and police officers were in High Wycombe today while investigations are carried out and to establish if there are any links between the incidents.

Investigating officer Det Insp Mark Baxter of Aylesbury Force CID said: ‘It is important that anyone who has any information about any of these incidents comes forward and contacts police.

If you saw or heard anything which you think could relate to any of these incidents, please come forward as soon as possible and call us on 101.

Supt Ed McLean Local Police Area commander for Wycombe, said: ‘I would like to reassure people that we are in the process of carrying out a thorough investigation into these incidents, which are very rare for High Wycombe.

Members of the public may see an increased police presence in High Wycombe today while we continue our enquiries and work to locate those responsible.

If you do not want to speak directly to the police you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.

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