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Consultation to be launched on redevelopment of the area around Baker Street, High Wycombe

| February 1, 2017

As part of Wycombe District Council’s continued investment in the town, redevelopment of the area around Baker Street, High Wycombe is due to start later in 2017.

As part of the Council’s public consultation on the development, outline plans showing the proposed changes to the area will go on display from Monday 6th to Monday 13th February 2017.

A drop-in event is being held from 11.00am to 7.00pm on Tuesday 7th February 2017 at the Arts4Every1 centre in Desborough Road, High Wycombe, HP11 2PU.

Representatives from Wycombe District Council will be available at the drop-in event to answer questions. Information and visuals will also be available on the Wycombe District Council website.

The former industrial land in the Baker Street area is owned by Wycombe District Council who are working with urban designers on plans to regenerate the area.

Outline plans, which will be subject to planning permission,include:

  • A proposed new ALDI food store coming to the town.
  • A car showroom.
  • Purpose built vehicle workshops.
  • A new home for local craftspeople and artists using shipping containers.

Wycombe District Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development Cllr Roger Wilson said: ‘I’d encourage everyone who’s interested in the future of this part of the town to come along to the exhibition and talk to us or give us comments using our website.

We’re keen to hear local views to help us fine tune the scheme ahead of going through the formal planning process.

From next Monday 6th February 2017 information and design concepts will be available to view online at www.wycombe.gov.uk/bakerstreet. There will also be a web form available for people to give their comments.

The consultation will close to comments from the public on Monday 13th February 2017.

Comments are closed.