Free adult learning classes offered by Buckinghamshire Adult Learning

Art is just one of the options with Try It, Love It, Learn It.
As part of the Festival of Learning people interested in adult learning courses have the chance to try a class for free in a special promotion during June 2017.
Buckinghamshire Adult Learning will be running ‘Try It, Love It, Learn It‘ week from Monday 12th to Saturday 17th June 2017 during which a wide range of courses will be available to try with subjects available including languages, fitness, health, photography, art and craft.
Laura Nankin, Head of Adult Learning, said, ‘Our ‘Try It’ weeks are very popular with 122 people trying a course for free in 2016 and many signing up for future courses. We intend to continue offering them so as many adults as possible can benefit from this opportunity and try something they’ve not previously considered, before making a commitment.‘
Enrolments for the next ‘Try It, Love It, Learn It‘ are open until 12.00pm noon on Friday 2nd June 2017. A full list of participating courses can be found at Anyone wishing to enrol can do so by phoning 01296 383582.
Buckinghamshire Adult Learning deliver a broad programme of over 2,000 part-time courses and workshops at 120 locations across Buckinghamshire.