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Gerrards Cross junction improvements to start on Mon 10th Jul 2017

| July 4, 2017

On Monday 10th July 2017 work is due to start on improvements to the Packhorse Road and Station Road junction in Gerrards Cross town centre.

The improvement work will include the installation of a new raised section of road at the crossroads with Ethrope Close while the existing traffic lights will be removed. A new lights-controlled pedestrian crossing opposite the dry cleaners in Packhorse Road will also be installed as part of the improvement work.

Funded by Tesco supermarkets, the works will be carried out by their contractors during the school holidays and completed in September 2017.

The improvements follow a consultation by Buckinghamshire County Council on options for improving traffic and pedestrian flows through Gerrards Cross town centre. The removal of the traffic lights at the crossroads was the preferred choice.

The pedestrian crossing lights will work in conjunction with the traffic lights at the Station Approach junction with Packhorse Road and make it easier to balance the demands of pedestrians and motorists.

Mark Shaw, Deputy Leader and Transport Cabinet Member at Buckinghamshire County Council, said the raised section at the crossroads would not only slow traffic, but also help people cross the road at the same level as the pavement.

I’m delighted this work is being done and it’s testament to great partnership working between Tesco, Gerrards Cross Town Council and the County Council,‘ said Mark.

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