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Stickers asking residents to recycle food waste to start appearing on bins in Buckinghamshire

| October 9, 2017

The new bin stickers arriving in Buckinghamshire.

Stickers asking residents to recycle their food waste will soon start appearing on bins in Buckinghamshire.

Designed to stand out, the yellow stickers are a simple way to remind people that their food waste is collected every week for recycling right across the county.

Collection crews will be placing the stickers on bins on their normal routes as part of an initiative by the Waste Partnership for Buckinghamshire.

Residents who recycle their food will also have a sticker placed on their bin because the initiative is looking to engage with everyone and even good recyclers can sometimes forget, or don’t know to recycle tea bags, stale bread or chicken bones. It is expected that the stickers will also encourage residents who have never recycled their food to start.

Residents may not be aware that their kerbside food collection is kept separate all the way to the food recycling facility. There it is processed to produce biogas which is used to generate electricity as well as a high-quality fertiliser used by farmers.

Recycling food also saves money on disposal costs. In 2016 more than £440,000 was spent in Buckinghamshire disposing of food that could have been recycled.

Bucks County Council Deputy Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment Clive Harriss, speaking on behalf of the Waste Partnership for Buckinghamshire, said: ‘First and foremost, the Waste Partnership seeks to help us all reduce our food waste, as it’s much better to eat and enjoy the food we buy. But there’s always some unavoidable food waste, like banana skins or egg shells, which can be recycled.

The new stickers are a gentle reminder that most householders can recycle their food at home and we can all recycle a little more.

Further information can be found by visiting www.recycleforbuckinghamshire.co.uk/food.

The Waste Partnership for Buckinghamshire is formed by the county’s five local authorities: Aylesbury Vale District Council, Buckinghamshire County Council, Chiltern District Council, South Bucks District Council and Wycombe District Council.

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