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Weekend resurfacing work at M40 Handy Cross junction expected to cause disruption

| February 5, 2018

The Handy Cross Roundabout (Archive Picture).

Disruption to traffic is expected during weekend resurfacing work to take place at the Handy Cross roundabout in High Wycombe during February and March 2018.

During the work, being carried out by Highways England, there will be a full closure of the Handy Cross roundabout as well as the approach roads leading to the junction.

The roundabout and junction will be closed on following dates :

  • 9.00pm on Friday 16th February 2018 to 6.00am on Monday 19th February 2018.
  • 9.00pm on Friday 23rd February 2018 to 6.00am on Monday 26th February 2018.
  • 9.00pm on Friday 2nd March 2018 to 6.00am on Monday 5th March 2018.

The closure of the Handy Cross roundabout is likely to cause further disruption to traffic flow in the surrounding area. As a result Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) have placed an embargo on any other non-essential road works in a 10 mile radius of the M40 works.

Additional traffic management will also be used on diversion routes, particularly the smaller roads less well equipped to deal with heavy traffic.

During the weekend closures the roundabout will be closed as well as the following approach roads:

  • Wycombe Road between Ragmans Lane and the Handy Cross roundabout.
  • A4010 John Hall Way between Crest Road and the Handy Cross roundabout.
  • Marlow Road between Cressex Road roundabout and the Handy Cross roundabout.
  • A404 Marlow Hill between Waitrose/Park and Ride and the Handy Cross roundabout.

Highways England is carrying out the resurfacing to ensure the M40 Junction at Handy Cross remains in a safe condition.

The existing road surface will be dug out and fully resurfaced, the traffic signals and detection loops will be replaced and anti-skid material will be laid at selected areas of the roundabout.

During the closures various clearly signed diversions will be in place, primarily using the M40 junctions 3 and 5, the A40, Wooburn Green and Little Marlow:

  • M40 Northbound traffic for High Wycombe : Exit at junction 3 or continue north to junction 5 then travel east along the A40 Wycombe Road.
  • M40 Southbound traffic for High Wycombe : Exit at junction 5 or continue to junction 2, circumnavigate the roundabout, travelling north on the M40 to exit at junction 3.
  • M40 Northbound traffic for the A404 : Exit at junction 3, travel south past Wooburn Green, Well End and Little Marlow, joining the A404 at Marlow.
  • M40 Southbound traffic for the A404 : Continue south to junction 2, circumnavigate the roundabout, travel north to junction 3, exit at junction 3, travel south past Wooburn Green, Well End and Little Marlow, joining the A404 at Marlow.
  • A404 Northbound traffic for High Wycombe : From Marlow travel east past Little Marlow, Well End, Wooburn Green and the A40.
  • A404 Northbound traffic for M40 : From Marlow travel east past Little Marlow, Well End, Wooburn Green, then join the M40 southbound at junction 3 – traffic wishing to travel north will need to access the northbound carriageway at junction 2.
  • Wycombe Road traffic for High Wycombe or the M40 : Travel south to Marlow, then east past Little Marlow, Well End, Wooburn Green, joining the M40 southbound at junction 3 : Traffic wishing to travel north will need to access the northbound carriageway at junction 2.
  • High Wycombe to the M40 : Travel on the A40 north or south to access the M40 at junction 5 (for northbound) or junction 3 (for southbound).
  • High Wycombe to the A404 : Travel south on the A40 towards junction 3, then travel south past Wooburn Green, Well End and Little Marlow, joining the A404 at Marlow.

Emergency services will have access through the closure, as will TfB gritters should they need to get through to salt the roads, although gritting routes have been adjusted to minimise disruption.

The X80 and 800/850 bus routes, which serve High Wycombe, Marlow and Reading, will be diverted during the weekend closures, and National Express will not be serving the Handy Cross Coachway during the closure. Details can be found on the bus service disruption page on the Buckinghamshire County Council website.

TfB will be collaborating with Highways England to make use of the road closures on the approach roads and carry out maintenance works such as small scale resurfacing, gully clearing, sign cleaning, and street lighting repairs.

FAQ’s about the closure, bus information, and diversion information and maps can be found on the Buckinghamshire County County website at www.buckscc.gov.uk/handycrossclosure.

Further information about disruption to bus services can be found at https://www.buckscc.gov.uk/services/transport-and-roads/buses-and-trains/service-disruption-and-stop-closures/.

Details of the improvement works can be found at https://www.buckscc.gov.uk/services/transport-and-roads/improvement-schemes-and-projects/handy-cross-a404m40-junction-4-roundabout-closures/.

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