Consultation on Buckinghamshire County Council’s Early Help services closes on Thu 13th Dec 2018
A public consultation on proposed changes to Early Help services provided by Buckinghamshire County Council will close on Thursday 13th December 2018.
The 10 week consultation proposing changes to the way early help services are provided to support vulnerable families and children in Buckinghamshire will be closing on at 11.00pm on Thursday 13th December 2018.
Three public meetings and three information drop in sessions have already taken place to enable the public to discuss the proposed options with council officers and to have their say.
Early help services should provide children and families experiencing difficulties with the right help at the right time in a proactive way, before their problems escalate and become harder to resolve.
Access to the online survey and supporting information, including more detail on the proposed options, is available at
No changes will be made to early help services until September 2019.