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Online survey launched on 10 year improvement plan for rights of way network in Buckinghamshire

| October 10, 2019

Pavis Wood in the Chilterns AONB. (Image supplied by Buckinghamshire County Council)

An online survey has been launched for feedback on a 10 year improvement plan for the rights of way network in Buckinghamshire.

Buckinghamshire County Council is asking people to take a look at the new 10 year improvement plan for the rights of way network and provide feedback via an online survey.

The new plan for footpaths, bridleways and byways in Buckinghamshire was put together following an extensive engagement exercise earlier in the year in which a wide range of individuals, groups and organisations gave their views on the strengths and weaknesses of the network and how they felt it should be improved and developed over the next decade.

Bill Chapple OBE, Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment at Buckinghamshire County Council, said: ‘Our rights of way network is the means by which local people and visitors alike access the beautiful Bucks countryside, whether that’s for relaxation, sport, nature study or getting from A to B.

It’s therefore a precious asset, and we are committed to making the most of it, ensuring that as many people have access to it as possible for their recreational and travel needs.

We also want to ensure that the network is not only properly maintained, but protected and enhanced as new infrastructure and residential development takes place in the county.

I’d ask anyone interested in the future of our rights of way network to read the draft report, and help us to check whether we have come to the right conclusions and have included the right actions by completing the survey.

The responses to this consultation will help us produce the final version of the rights of way improvement plan. The final draft of the plan will be finished in early 2020 and then adopted by the council.

The draft plan and survey can be found on the Buckinghamshire County Council website at www.buckscc.gov.uk/rowip.

*Source of article : Press release from Buckinghamshire County Council.

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