New street work permit scheme starts in Buckinghamshire on Friday 1st May 2020
A new street works permit scheme is being introduced in Buckinghamshire from Friday 1st May 2020.
Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) are introducing the scheme as a way to manage potentially disruptive street works.
Currently a permit is only been required for work on the most traffic sensitive roads. Works elsewhere on the road network were ‘notified’ rather than requested and as a result there was much less control of these works and staff resource to manage the work and any clashes.
However the new permit scheme will require anyone working on the road to apply for a permit to do so. A permit will be required for work on any road maintained by TfB. This will increase the ability to minimise disruption to the public, through better co-ordination of all works that take place on any of Buckinghamshire’s roads.
The new scheme also aims to give improved information to the public about work being done in their local area or where they are travelling. This is due to better forward planning and enhanced programming of work that the scheme will bring. As a result of the enhanced communication, there will be an improvement to timing and duration of works in busier areas within the local communities.
While there will be a cost to cover the administration of the scheme, including inspections of the work, the new scheme will allow TfB to set specific conditions for the permit including hours of work and type of traffic control.
The road network in Buckinghamshire has links to several major roads and motorways. In rolling out the scheme, it is hoped to improve commuters journey times by easing congestion, advancing road safety and providing enhanced accessibility.
Buckinghamshire Council Executive Portfolio Holder for Transport, Mark Shaw, said: ‘The new scheme is in line with the Department for Transport’s recommendations and the approach taken by many other highway authorities.
I am very pleased to see this being rolled out across Buckinghamshire and hope that the travelling public will also see the benefits this scheme brings in due course.‘
*Source of article : Press release from Buckinghamshire Council.