NHS services in Buckinghamshire urge people to attend their regular vaccination appointments
NHS services in Buckinghamshire are urging people to attend their regular vaccination appointments to prevent outbreaks of serious diseases and to reduce pressure on local health services.
During the coronavirus pandemic routine vaccination appointments are still taking place. Vaccinations can prevent some very serious and sometimes fatal diseases, such as meningitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, diphtheria and measles.
All scheduled vaccinations should go ahead as normal as long as those with appointments do not have symptoms of coronavirus or are not self-isolating because someone in the household is displaying symptoms.
At any setting that vaccinations may be taking place in measures are in place to keep people as safe as possible from coronavirus.
On Friday 1st May 2020 Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust sent its immunisation team to Dr Challoner’s Grammar School in Amersham where the immunisation team used PPE gear and observed social distancing as they did their work, taking care to make sure the children were not put at unnecessary risk of exposure. Out of 179 available places, 171 children were vaccinated which is an impressive turn out that the team hopes to see in other sessions.
There are currently a further 17 immunisation sessions booked in at schools across Buckinghamshire before the usual May half-term week which commences on Monday 25th May 2020.
Sam Smissen, Buckinghamshire Immunisation Team Lead for Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, said: ‘We understand that coronavirus is at the forefront of peoples’ minds at the moment, but please do not underestimate the importance of getting routine vaccinations. They can protect you or your loved ones against some very serious, sometimes life-threatening, diseases.
The great work done by our team recently at Dr Challoner’s Grammar School is an excellent example of how we can still carry out immunisations in a safe and careful way.‘
Dr Raj Bajwa, Chair of NHS Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group, said: ‘It would be worrying if some people did not get their routine immunisations because they are concerned about coronavirus.
Immunisations are as vital to people’s health as ever, regardless of the current outbreak, and there may be serious health consequences if people don’t get the vaccinations they need. So please attend any scheduled vaccinations you may have.
We are working really hard to make sure you and your children are as safe as possible at these sessions.‘
Further information about vaccinations is available at on the NHS website at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations or you can contact your GP surgery for advice.
*Source of article : Press release from Buckinghamshire Council.