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High Wycombe based company donates over 5,500 pieces of PPE to prevent the spread of COVID-19

| May 15, 2020

Some of the protective visors donated by Protective Film Solutions. (Image supplied by Protective Film Solutions)

A company based in Holmer Green near High Wycombe has donated over 5,500 pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) to key workers to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

In normal times Protective Film Solutions distributes protective glass films for office spaces and retailers, as well as anti-fog film for freezers. However at the start of lockdown, the company converted their manufacturing facility to help produce items of PPE. By early April 2020 they were producing and distributing vital protective visors for key workers free of charge.

Recipients of the visors include the coronavirus wards of Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire and Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kings Lynn, as well as Heydeys Care and Support (Cumbria), 360HC Home Care (Wakefield) and Benllech Dental Surgery (Anglesey).

The films which are usually used for protecting freezers and windows have been re-purposed to create face shields which cover the eyes, nose and mouth. The visors have a sturdy plastic headband to keep the visor in place and an elasticated back to ensure a tight fight however fabric masks can then be worn underneath.

Stephen Ball, Managing Director of Protective Film Solutions said: ‘When we saw the urgent calls for PPE from medical staff and care home workers, we knew we had to do something to help. The team at Protective Film Solutions has been amazing, volunteering to come into work to develop and manufacture the protective visors.

We have donated over 5,500 visors already and intend to produce thousands more as required. We are beyond proud to be able to say we have contributed to keeping key workers safe while they risk their lives on the front line.

Further information on Protective Film Solutions can be found on their website at www.protectivefilmsolutionseurope.com or on their Twitter page.

*Source of article : Press release on behalf of Protective Film Solutions.

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