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Revised bin collection dates over the spring bank holiday 2020 in the Wycombe area

| May 23, 2020

During the week of the spring bank holiday 2020 a revised schedule of bin collection dates will be in operation in the Wycombe area.

There will be no bin collections on spring bank holiday Monday 25th May 2020. During the following week collections will take place one day later than normal.

Normal refuse collection, with the service suspensions implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will resume on Monday 1st June 2019.

The revised waste and recycling collection dates are as follows :

Normal collection day Revised collection day
Monday 25th May 2020 Tuesday 26th May 2020
Tuesday 26th May 2020 Wednesday 27th May 2020
Wednesday 27th May 2020 Thursday 28th May 2020
Thursday 28th May 2020 Friday 29th May 2020
Friday 29th May 2020 Saturday 30th May 2020

Further information on waste collection dates in the Wycombe area are available on the My Wycombe’ section of the Wycombe area website from Buckinghamshire Council.

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