Local artist donates charcoal portraits to Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust staff
A local artist has donated charcoal portraits to staff at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.
Local artist, Becky Gouverneur, has kindly completed and donated ten charcoal portraits of frontline Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust staff.
The portraits were Becky’s way of saying thank you to the staff in our NHS and particularly to those in her local area at Stoke Mandeville, Amersham and Wycombe hospitals as well as out in the community.
Frontline staff were invited to submit an image of themselves in their personal protective equipment (PPE). Becky then selected ten members of staff from the entries to receive a charcoal portrait.
This exhibition is a compilation of ten charcoal portraits drawn by Becky during the COVID-19 pandemic. The drawings show members of staff from the Trust who have been working throughout the pandemic wearing their PPE.
One of the ten members of staff selected to receive a portrait was Danielle, Trainee Mortuary APT (anatomical pathology technician) and she said: ‘The drawing is wonderful and the comments on our portrait on social media have been brilliant. Becky is so talented and hopefully people will see a different side to our roles within the mortuary.’
Becky Gouverneur said: ‘During the pandemic, like many others, I have been mainly at home, safe with my family away from the dangers so many others were facing.
As a professional artist, and inspired by the ‘Portraits for NHS Heroes‘ movement started by fellow artist Tom Croft, I turned to what I can do and started to offer free charcoal portraits to NHS staff including a series of drawings to Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.
It seemed like such a small thing to offer this work to those who have helped keep us safe. It is with sincere thanks that I offer these portraits to such amazing NHS Heroes as a reminder of these unusual times!‘
Due to the current situation Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust is unable to hold an exhibition on site. However the portraits virtually on ArtSteps or on Becky’s Facebook page.
*Source of article : Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.