Bus stop suspensions and service diversions in Buckinghamshire for the week ahead – Monday 7th February 2022
Week commencing Monday 7th February 2022 the following bus stop suspensions and service diversions are expected to affect bus services in Buckinghamshire.
Bus Diversions
West Wycombe Road, High Wycombe : Monday 4th January 2022 to Monday 30th May 2022. Due to long term Cadent Gas works, Arriva bus route 48 will divert via Dashwood Avenue and will not serve stops along the West Wycombe Road. Other services along here will operate as normal but May 2022 be delayed at times.
A41 Bicester Road, Westcott : Monday 24th January 2022 to Monday 7th February 2022, 7.00pm to 6.00am. Due to HS2 works this road will be closed on this night. The following route 16 and 17 bus journeys will not run on these evenings: Route 16: 6.30pm from Aylesbury, 6.59pm from Marsh Gibbon, 6.58pm from Quainton (7.08pm Venture Park). Route 17: 6.40pm from Aylesbury and 7.25pm from Bicester Village.
Main Street, Charndon : Wednesday 2nd to Tuesday 8th February 2022. Due to emergency water main repairs bus route 16 will need to divert. The weekday 1402, 1905 and Saturday 1504 and 1900 journeys due at the Charndon Main Street stop will run from Charndon Recreation Ground instead.
Cressex Link / John Hall Way Roundabout : High Wycombe, Monday 7th to Saturday 12th February 2022, 8.00pm to 6.00am. Due to Transport for Buckinghamshire works this roundabout will be closed on these nights. Bus route 32A journeys will divert via Cressex Road and Marlow Road, missing the stops along John Hall Way. The 7.59pm (7.56pm on Saturdays) route 8 journey from the Railway Station will divert via Turnpike Lane and Cressex Road, missing the stops on John Hall Way, Cressex Link and the stops by the Cressex Health Centre on Coronation Road.
Ellesborough Road, Ellesborough : Monday 7th to Thursday 17th February 2022, 9.30am to 3.30pm. Due to Transport for Buckinghamshire works this road will be closed at these times. Bus route 130 will need to divert via the A4010 Risborough Road and will not be able to serve stops on Ellesborough Road or on Chalkshire Road, Butler’s Cross at these times.
High Street, Chalfont St Peter : Thursday 10th February 2022, 8.00pm to 6.00am. Due to works on behalf of Carousel Buses this road will be closed on this night. Evening route 104 and 105 journeys will divert via Kingsway and the A413, missing stops on Austenwood Lane, Gold Hill West, Grove Lane, Nicol Road, Gold Hill North and Market Place after 8.00pm.
A4007, Slough Road, Iver Heath : Monday 7th to Sunday 20th February 2022 (except weekend 12th / 13th February 2022), 7.00am to 5.00pm. Due to Transport for Buckinghamshire works this road will be closed between Bangors Road North and the county boundary, during this period. Bus route 3 will divert via Bangors Road North, A412 Denham Road and the A4020 Oxford Road into Uxbridge and vice versa. Stops along Slough Road between Bangors Road North and Uxbridge will not be served.
Chearsley Road, Long Crendon : Friday 11th February 2022, 9.00am to 3.00pm. Due to Freeflow works this road will be closed at these times. Bus route 110 will turn in Chearsley, picking up passengers outside the Village Hall on Winchendon Road. It will then travel to Long Crendon via the A418 Aylesbury Road resuming normal route on the Bicester Road (and return). Stops on Chearsley Road, Crendon Road, Chilton Road and Carters Lane will not be served.
Britwell Road, Burnham : Saturday 12th February 2022. Due to Thames Water works this road will be closed on this day and bus route 53 will divert via Stomp Road and Priory Road. Stops on Lent Rise Road (except the ‘Coulson Way’ stops), Gore Road, Britwell Road and Hogfair Lane will not be served.
Bus Stop Closures
Buckingham Road, Padbury : Monday 24th January 2022 to Friday 11th February 2022. Due to Transport for Buckinghamshire works the ‘Springfields’ stop for journeys towards Winslow will not be served on these days. A temp stop will be provided close by and passengers are advised to wait here and hail clearly to the bus drivers.
High Street, Whitchurch : Tuesday 1st to Wednesday 9th February 2022. Due to Openreach works the two ‘White Horse Lane’ stops will not be served on these days. Passengers are advised to use the ‘Methodist Church’ stops instead.
Fennels Farm Road, Flackwell Heath : Wednesday 2nd to Monday 28th February 2022. Due to works on behalf of Swish Fibre the two stops on Fennels Farm Road will not be served on these days. Passengers are advised to use the stops on Swains Lane or Oakland Road instead.
Straight Bit, Flackwell Heath : Wednesday 2nd February 2022 to Friday 1st April 2022. Due to rolling works with lights on behalf of Swish Fibre the stops between Old Kiln Road and Northern Woods will not be served at times during this period. Passengers are advised to wait where safe away from the works and hail clearly to the driver to stop.
London Road, High Wycombe : Friday 4th to Tuesday 8th February 2022, 8.00am to 6.00pm. Due to works by Freeflow the ‘Post Office’ stop for journeys towards the town centre will not be served on these days. Passengers are advised to use the ‘London Road Lidl’ stop instead.
Hicks Farm Rise, High Wycombe : Saturday 5th to Wednesday 9th February 2022. Due to Thames Water works the two ‘Baring Road’ stops will not be served on these days. Passengers are advised to use the stops on Hollis Road instead.
Bicester Road, Aylesbury : Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th February 2022. Due to Transport for Buckinghamshire works the ‘Putlowes’ stop for journeys towards the town centre will not be served on these days.
Gore Road, Burnham : Monday 7th to Friday 11th February 2022. Due to Cadent Gas works the two ‘Bredward Close’ stops will not be served on these days. Passengers are advised to use the ‘Lent Green’ stops on Lent Rise Road or the stops further along Gore Road just past Almond Road.
Aylesbury Road, Monks Risborough : Monday 7th to Thursday 10th February 2022. Due to works by UKPN the two ‘Peter’s Lane’ stops will not be served on these days. Passengers are advised to use the ‘Holloway’ stops instead.
School Lane, Seer Green : Tuesday 8th to Thursday 10th February 2022. Due to Cadent Gas works the two ‘Stable Lane’ stops will not be served on these days. Passengers are advised to use the ‘Orchard Road’ stops instead.
Bookerhill Road, High Wycombe : Thursday 10th to Saturday 12th February 2022. Due to Thames Water works the two ‘Mentmore Road’ stops will not be served on these days. Passengers are advised to use the ‘Field Road’ stops instead.
*Source of information : Buckinghamshire Council.