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Scouts took part in endurance events in the Chilterns

| March 29, 2023

Over 700 Cubs (boys and girls aged 8 to 10) Scouts (boys and girls aged 10 to 14), Explorers (boys and girls aged 14 to 17) and adult volunteers aged 18 plus took to the Chilterns for Buckinghamshire Scouts Endurance events.

The Cubs hiked 10k, and the Scouts 40k. Some of the Explorers hiked 60k, whilst some took on the 80k challenge, along with the adults. This year, 2023, the event was supported by The Ridgeway National Trail. The trail is celebrating its 50th anniversary. They arranged for maps of the Ridgeway Trail to be available to all entrants in the three longer events and map books for the winning teams.

The event attracted teams from all over Buckinghamshire as well as from Basingstoke, Gosport and Halesowen.

The Cubs started their 10k walk at Chesham and finished at Great Missenden. All of the other hikes started at Great Missenden and, after hiking to different parts of the County, using the Ridgeway National Trail in many places, they finished back at Great Missenden.

Luca, aged 17, who had come down from the West Midlands said: ‘I did the hike because a friend asked me to come. I’m using it as part of my Duke of Edinburgh Award. I’ve never been on The Ridgeway before, and there are some great views.

Harcharan said: ‘Completing the 10k walk this year was not as tiring as last year. I know the walk will go towards several of my badges. I like playing dodgeball at Cubs and climbing was really exciting.

Sarah Wright from The Ridgeway Trail said: ‘It’s great to see so many people out walking on the hills and in the woods, challenging themselves. I spoke with several Explorer Scouts, some of whom were using the hiking across The Ridgeway Trail to help finance their trip to Korea for the World Scout Jamboree later this year.

Clare Clarke, adult volunteer and organiser of the event, said: ‘One of the reasons I volunteer is to be at events like this. When you see over 700 people challenging themselves and achieving that challenge, it brings a smile to your face.

Many of the Cubs have never walked 10k before and I’m sure they’ll be very proud when they get their Hikes Away badge. Getting children and young people doing outdoor activities is fundamental to Scouts. Having The Ridgeway Trail on board this year has been really positive and we hope this will encourage more families to get outdoors.

Further information about the Scouts can be found on their website at www.scouts.org.uk/join.

Further information about The Ridgeway Trail can be found at https://www.nationaltrail.co.uk/ridgeway.

*Source of article : Press release from Buckinghamshire Scouts.

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