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Opinion : Wycombe is a very fashionable town

| October 3, 2014


Last Saturday afternoon my good self happened to nip into Wycombe town centre to partake in a little shopping.

Despite my passion for the town it’s very rare that you will find me leaving the sanctuary of my ancestral home at the weekends.

After parking my trusty motor in my reserved parking space in the town centre your humble servant made my way towards the new shopping complex to get the items I required.

To my surprise there was a fashion show taking place in the complex. I decided to pause for a few moments to watch the show and catch my breath after the exertion of walking the short distance there.

My friends had told me all about the fashions shows put on in the shopping centre but I had never actually seen one in reality, I must say the show was very impressive and highly professional.

All the clothes being modelled were available to buy from local retailers which means the fashion on display was within the reach of ordinary people.

Being able to view a display of the latest clothes and trends was a real treat and it just goes to prove there are some good things taking place in Wycombe.

Judging by the large crowd of people watching there is also a lot of support for such events from the local towns people.

I remember when there used to be an annual Wycombe show on the Rye to showcase everything the town of Wycombe had to offer. Sadly the Wycombe Show is not more which is a real shame.

Maybe a large one-off event on the Rye was just too much for these modern times?

Perhaps the way forward would be to have several smaller shows each on a particular theme held in the town centre over several weeks?

There are many suitable locations in Wycombe town centre indeed there is Frogmoor, the High Street or in the shopping complex like the show last Saturday.

There are many good things going on in Wycombe for us to be proud of. Despite the loss of our manufacturing industry in recent years lots of things are still made in Wycombe too and I think a public show, perhaps in the shopping complex, would be a good way of raising awareness of what our town is making.

Anyway that’s enough from me so may I wish you a pleasant and peaceful weekend. Who knows you may even bump into me in the shopping complex this Saturday if I decide to visit again this weekend….

What do you think?

*My next blog will be published on Tuesday evening around 8pm here on the WycombeToday.com website.

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