Bucks Smokefree is ready to help smokers give up on ‘No Smoking Day’, Wed 8th Mar 2017
Wednesday 8th March 2017 is ‘No Smoking Day’, for anyone wanting to give up smoking Bucks Smokefree can provide support and help to lead you on your journey to becoming a non-smoker.
Bucks Smokefree is a free service that is part of Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. It provides expert advice, information and support to people who want to stop smoking. It makes it easy and affordable for smokers wanting to quit and access stop smoking aids such as Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), patches, gum etc.
A spokesman for Bucks Smokefree said: ‘It can take many attempts to quit smoking tobacco for good. However, the good news is you can receive great personal care that is free and local to you.
You will be offered weekly behavioural support and medication. This combined approach has been proven to be the best way to help a smoker who wants to give up cigarettes for good. Go on, give it another go!‘
It has been proven that smokers are four times more likely to stop smoking with support from an NHS Stop Smoking Adviser.
Bucks Smokefree offers smokers free confidential support and access to more than 60 support centres throughout Bucks for a minimum of eight weeks.
There is a range of daytime or evening appointments at Bucks Smokefree centres or you may have specialist stop smoking clinics at your GP surgery or pharmacy. To find out more about these centres call 0845 270 7222 or email [email protected].
Further information can also be found on the www.smokescape.org website.