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Chain of office changes hands at Wycombe District Council

| May 16, 2017

The new Chairman of Wycombe District Council, Councillor Suzanne Brown.

On Monday 15th May 2017 Wycombe District Council passed the Chairman’s official chain of office to Councillor Suzanne Brown.

Cllr Brown is the next ceremonial ambassador after Councillor Mahboob Hussain. As Chairman of the Council she will have a packed official diary with hundreds of public engagements during her year of office.

Not only will Cllr Brown attend hundreds of civic engagements, meet and work with a host of local organisations and charities but she will also formally chair each Full Council meeting. She will be supported by Vice Chairman Cllr Tony Green.

Suzanne Brown is the Councillor representing Marlow South East and has worked in Marlow for the last 34 years, living in the town for the last 17 years. She has also served on Marlow Town Council for the last ten years and is known just as Suzanne around town in Marlow.

Commening on her appoing Cllr Brown said: ‘I’m really excited about the year ahead – it’s a great honour to be chosen. In a role like this you get to meet so many inspirational and dedicated people from all kinds of organisations, and you really do see just how much people do for our local communities.

Suzanne takes up her new role immediately, at the start of National Dementia Week. ‘This is a cause I am passionate about. It affects more and more people and it seems fitting to make this my chosen good cause for my year as Chairman.’

There were more new faces confirmed at last night’s Annual Meeting of the Council when Wycombe District Council’s new Cabinet Members were officially appointed. The Cabinet Members are responsible and accountable for key areas of Wycombe District Council’s policies and operations.

Cllr Katrina Wood who continues in her third year as Leader and will be supported by:

  • Councillor Dominic Barnes (Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Strategy and Communications)
  • Councillor Graham Peart (Community)
  • Councillor Stephen Broadbent (Economic Development and Regeneration)
  • Councillor Mrs Julia Adey (Environment)
  • Councillor David Watson (Finance and Resources)
  • Councillor Mrs Julia Langley (Housing)
  • Councillor Lawrence Wood (HR, ICT and Customer Services)
  • Councillor David Johncock (Planning and Sustainability)
  • Councillor David Carroll (Youth and External Partnerships)

The new Cabinet at Wycombe District Council.
Caption names top to bottom, L-R:
Councillor Graham Peart (Community)
Councillor David Carroll (Youth and External Partnerships)
Councillor Stephen Broadbent (Economic Development and Regeneration)
Councillor Dominic Barnes (Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Strategy and Communications)
Councillor Lawrence Wood (HR, ICT and Customer Services)
Councillor Mrs Julia Adey (Environment)
Councillor David Johncock (Planning and Sustainability)
Councillor David Watson (Finance and Resources)​
Councillor Mrs Julia Langley (Housing)
Front – Councillor Katrina Wood (Leader)

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