SaveWycombeHospital campaign group to hold vigil outside Wycombe Hospital on Wed 27 Sep 2017
A vigil is to be held outside Wycombe Hospital on Wednesday 27th September 2017 to mark one year since certain vascular operations left Wycombe Hospital.
Organised by the Save Wycombe Hospital campaign group the vigil will take place between 12.30pm and 1.30pm. A group picture for #HandsUpForAHandBack will be taken at 12.45pm.
Save Wycombe Hospital campaign leader Ozma Hafiz said: ‘The vascular issue deserves a dissertation. However, in short, these operations were performing well locally and were part of a successful staff rotation with Oxford.
Local clinical outcomes were ignored, we weren’t given the expected consultation for carotid endarterectomies and now some of our most vulnerable patients have to travel all the way to and from Oxford for this surgery.
This year’s meeting minutes of the Thames Valley Vascular Network show concerns including about the lack of beds and other facilities in Oxford for vascular patients. Vascular beds in Wycombe were closed on the basis that capacity would be increased in Oxford, but this had not happened. Concerns were also raised around ‘patient outcomes and experience and clinical effectiveness and efficiency’.
All this was before the issue of cladding at Oxford which will have resulted in reduced capacity at the John Radcliffe.
Over the next week or so we’ll be sending an official letter of complaint to NHS England. The HASC committee is also urged to actually put the needs of Bucks’ residents first by at the very least referring this issue to the Health Secretary, (although I feel a more urgent return of services is needed).‘
Details of the vigil and campaign petitions can be found on website.
Further information on the SaveWycombeHospital campaign can be found at the following :
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