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New chief executive officer appointed at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

| January 31, 2019

Neil Macdonald has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.

Neil first joined the Trust in 2005. After a role at the Healthcare Commission and general management positions at Imperial and Guys & St. Thomas’ Trusts, he returned to the organisation in 2013 as deputy chief operating officer before becoming chief operating officer in April 2015.

Neil was appointed as the interim chief executive at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust in March 2018. Since which he has been credited with improving staff morale, delivering more care closer to people’s homes as well as maintaining the Trust’s position of being amongst the best in the country in areas such as stroke, research and spinal injuries. Neil has also been a driving force in working with partners to integrate health and social care across the county.

Trust chair Hattie Llewelyn-Davies said: ‘Neil represents a new generation of NHS leadership and it is great that we have been able to nurture and develop this talent from within our organisation.

This is an exciting time for the Trust as we continue with our transformation. I am confident that Neil’s energy and drive, along with his commitment and ambition for our staff and our patients, will ensure that we can continue to maintain high quality care for our patients, as well as positively respond to the challenges facing the NHS in the future.

Commenting on his appointment, Neil said: ‘I have loved the last 10 months. I am proud of what we have achieved so far and I am humbled by the dedication of our staff and volunteers. Without their professionalism and commitment, we couldn’t deliver the great standards of care for our patients that we aspire to.

The NHS is unique and I understand how much our services mean to our communities. These are my local services too, where my family and friends are treated, and I have a strong ambition and aspiration to make us the safest healthcare system in the country.

We cannot achieve this in isolation and I look forward to working with our partners, our communities, our patients and our staff in making this vision a reality.

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