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UPDATED 31/08/2020 : COVID-19 news updates for High Wycombe and South Buckinghamshire – August 2020

| August 1, 2020

News updates on COVID-19 in High Wycombe and South Buckinghamshire for August 2020.

Please note : This page is for August 2020, the figures for September 2020 can be viewed here.

The cumulative and weekly rate of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population tested under Pillar 1 tests (those carried out in NHS laboratories) and Pillar 2 (testing by commercial partners of the mass-testing programme) for the upper-tier local authority of Buckinghamshire (only) is shown in the table below. Not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Date Published
Cumulative rate of cases Weekly rate of cases
Friday 28th August 2020 346.8 7.4
Friday 21st August 2020 338.7 7.6
Friday 14th August 2020 330.1 4.3
Friday 7th August 2020 325.9 5.0

* Please Note : The figures given below include those identified with confirmed cases of Coronavirus by testing in all settings, i.e. both pillar 1 and pillar 2.

Not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

* The figures in red in the table below show the total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic of people who had had a positive test result for COVID-19 and died within 28 days of the first positive test. The actual cause of death may not be COVID-19 in all cases. People who died from COVID-19 but had not tested positive are not included and people who died from COVID-19 more than 28 days after their first positive test are not included.

Previous news updates (i.e. July 2020) are available at the following link ‘COVID-19 news updates for High Wycombe and South Buckinghamshire – July 2020‘.

Week Day Date Bucks Total
Aylesbury Vale Chiltern South Bucks Wycombe
Monday 31st Aug 2020 1,934 (257) 843 (88) 332 (64) 247 (39) 512 (66)
Sunday 30th Aug 2020 1,918 (257) 841 (88) 328 (64) 244 (39) 505 (66)
Saturday 29th Aug 2020 1,909 (257) 840 (88) 327 (64) 240 (39) 502 (66)
Friday 28th Aug 2020 1,900 (257) 840 (88) 326 (64) 240 (39) 494 (66)
Wednesday 26th Aug 2020 1,878 834 323 238 483
Tuesday 25th Aug 2020 1,873 833 321 238 481
Monday 24th Aug 2020 1,867 829 320 237 481
Sunday 23rd Aug 2020 1,860 830 316 235 479
Saturday 22nd Aug 2020 1,852 826 315 235 476
Friday 21st Aug 2020 1,846 825 313 233 475
Thursday 20th Aug 2020 1,837 824 313 227 473
Wednesday 19th Aug 2020 1,832 822 312 225 473
Tuesday 18th Aug 2020 1,829 821 312 225 471
Monday 17th Aug 2020 1,820 818 311 223 468
Sunday 16th Aug 2020 1,814 815 311 222 466
Saturday 15th Aug 2020 1,803 812 308 221 462
Friday 14th Aug 2020 1,796 810 304 220 462
Thursday 13th Aug 2020 1,788 808 301 218 461
Wednesday 12th Aug 2020 1,788 808 301 218 461
Tuesday 11th Aug 2020 1,782 807 301 218 456
Monday 10th Aug 2020 1,782 807 301 218 456
Sunday 9th Aug 2020 1,778 805 301 218 454
Saturday 8th Aug 2020 1,770 802 300 217 451
Saturday 8th Aug 2020 1,770 802 300 217 451
Friday 7th Aug 2020 1,766 801 298 216 451
Thursday 6th Aug 2020 1,764 801 297 216 450
Wednesday 5th Aug 2020 1,761 801 297 213 450
Tuesday 4th Aug 2020 1,760 801 297) 212 450
Monday 3rd Aug 2020 1,759 800 297 212 450
Monday 3rd Aug 2020 1,759 800 297 212 450
Sunday 2nd Aug 2020 1,749 793 297 211 448
Saturday 1st August 2020 1,744 792 296 210 446
Friday 31st July 2020 1,738 790 296 210 442
Thursday 30th July 2020 1,737 790 295 210 442
Wednesday 29th July 2020 1,735 789 295 209 442
Tuesday 28th July 2020 1,731 788 294 208 441
Monday 27th July 2020 1,731 788 294 208 441
Sunday 26th July 2020 1,725 786 294 207 438
Saturday 25th July 2020 1,723 786 294 205 438

Monday 31st August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 16 to 1,934, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Monday 31st August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Sunday 30th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 9 to 1,918, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Sunday 30th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Saturday 29th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 9 to 1,909, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Saturday 29th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Friday 28th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 13 to 1,900, according to official figures published at 4.21pm on Friday 28th August 2020. Public Health England are now publishing figures again for the number of deaths which is shown in red in the table above, please see the description above the table which states how the figures were calculated. The official figures show that 257 people have died of the virus in Buckinghamshire within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test, although the death may not be caused directly by Covid-19. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Thursday 27th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 9 to 1,887, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Thursday 27th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Wednesday 26th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 5 to 1,878, according to official figures published at 4.04pm on Wednesday 26th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Tuesday 25th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 6 to 1,873, according to official figures published at 4.47pm on Tuesday 25th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Monday 24th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 7 to 1,867, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Monday 24th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Sunday 23rd August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 8 to 1,860, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Sunday 23rd August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Saturday 22nd August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 6 to 1,852, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Saturday 22nd August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Friday 21st August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 9 to 1,846, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Friday 21st August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Thursday 20th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 5 to 1,837, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Thursday 20th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher. Public Health England are currently not reporting the number deaths from Covid-19 at local authority level, therefore we are unable to publish that information at the moment.

Wednesday 19th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 3 to 1,832, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Wednesday 19th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher. Public Health England are currently not reporting the number deaths from Covid-19 at local authority level, therefore we are unable to publish that information at the moment.

Tuesday 18th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 9 to 1,829, according to official figures published at 6.22pm on Tuesday 18th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher. Public Health England are currently not reporting the number deaths from Covid-19 at local authority level, therefore we are unable to publish that information at the moment.

Monday 17th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 6 to 1,820, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Monday 17th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher. Public Health England are re-developing the way deaths from Covid-19 are reported therefore are no updated figures on deaths in Buckinghamshire available at the moment.

Sunday 16th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 11 to 1,814, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Sunday 16th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher. Public Health England are re-developing the way deaths from Covid-19 are reported therefore are no updated figures on deaths in Buckinghamshire available at the moment.

Saturday 15th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 7 to 1,803, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Saturday 15th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher. Public Health England are re-developing the way deaths from Covid-19 are reported therefore are no updated figures on deaths in Buckinghamshire available at the moment.

Friday 14th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 8 to 1,796, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Friday 14th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher. Public Health England are re-developing the way deaths from Covid-19 are reported therefore are no updated figures on deaths in Buckinghamshire available at the moment.

Thursday 13th August 2020

Public Health England did not release updated figures for the number of cases of Coronavirus on Thursday 13th August 2020. The officially published number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire remains at 1,788. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Wednesday 12th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 6 to 1,788, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Wednesday 12th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Tuesday 11th August 2020

Due to technical difficulties Public Health England did not release updated figures on Tuesday 11th August 2020. The officially published number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire remains at 1,782 and the number of deaths from the virus remains at 303. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Monday 10th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has risen by 4 to 1,782, according to official figures published at 4.01pm on Monday 10th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Sunday 9th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 8 to 1,778, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Sunday 9th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Saturday 8th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has risen by 4 to 1,770, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Saturday 8th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Friday 7th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 2 to 1,766, according to official figures published at 4.00pm on Friday 7th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Thursday 6th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has risen by 3 to 1,764, according to official figures published at 4.21pm on Thursday 6th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Wednesday 5th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 1 to 1,761, according to official figures published at 4.10pm on Wednesday 5th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Tuesday 4th August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has risen by 1 to 1,760, according to official figures published at 6.05pm on Tuesday 4th August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Monday 3rd August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 10 to 1,759, according to official figures published at 4.17pm on Monday 3rd August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Sunday 2nd August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has risen by 5 to 1,749, according to official figures published at 4.26pm on Sunday 2nd August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Saturday 1st August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 6 to 1,744, according to official figures published at 4.15pm on Saturday 1st August 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Friday 31st August 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has risen by 1 to 1,738, according to official figures published at 3.59pm on Friday 31st July 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Thursday 30th July 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 2 to 1,737, according to official figures published at 6.49pm on Thursday 30th July 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Wednesday 29th July 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has risen by 4 to 1,735, according to official figures published at 4.03pm on Wednesday 29th July 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Tuesday 28th July 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has remained at 1,731, according to official figures published at 4.13pm on Tuesday 28th July 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Monday 27th July 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has risen by 6 to 1,731, according to official figures published at 3.59pm on Monday 27th July 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Sunday 26th July 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has increased by 2 to 1,725, according to official figures published at 3.59pm on Sunday 26th July 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Saturday 25th July 2020

The number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Buckinghamshire has risen by 1 to 1,723, according to official figures published at 3.57pm on Saturday 25th July 2020. However not all those with the virus will have been tested so the actual figure may be higher.

Previous news updates are available at the following link ‘COVID-19 news updates for High Wycombe and South Buckinghamshire – July 2020‘.

*Source of article : Press releases from Buckinghamshire Council and Buckinghamshire NHS Healthcare Trust. The daily totals of confirmed COVID-19 cases are taken from Public Health England data. Further information about the data can be found at the following link https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/about.

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