Scouts help clear roadside rubbish in Aylesbury
On Saturday 22nd November 2014 twenty Scouts braved drizzle to clear some of Aylesbury’s roadside rubbish.
Their day of action followed a meeting with Buckinghamshire County Council’s Greater Aylesbury Local Area Forum’s Grot Spot subgroup and involved young people working towards their community challenge badge.
Inspired by their meeting with LAF chairman Brian Roberts and Grot Spot subgroup chairman Mark Winn, the Scouts arranged their tidying task to target the service road behind Tesco, off Tring Road, and filled eight big rubbish bags.
Both Brian and Mark rolled up their sleeves on Saturday to help the Scouts. Brian said: ‘It’s amazing what you can achieve in a morning. This is a community project and there are several other grot spots to work through in the New Year.‘
Mark said the aim is to involve the community: ‘We’ll welcome anyone who who wants to join in to keep the town clean.‘