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Wycombe District Council surpassed or hit most of its key service performance targets during Q1 of 2016

| September 22, 2016

During the first quarter of 2016 Wycombe District Council surpassed or hit most of its key service performance targets.

At a meeting on Monday 19th September 2016 Cabinet heard that targets for how quickly residents calls to the customer service centre were answered, the time in which major planning applications were dealt with and the amount of waste reused and composted were met during Q1 of 2016/17.

Members also heard that almost 172,000 people visited the new Wycombe Leisure Centre and visitor numbers to Wycombe Museum increased 60% since Q1 in 2014/15, the last full year the museum was open to the public prior to its refurbishment by the council.

Wycombe District Council Leader Cllr Katrina Wood said: ‘Our first quarter service performance results are encouraging and highlight the excellent day-to-day service residents of this district receives from Wycombe District Council.

However, we will not be resting on our laurels and will strive to further improve our services right across the board.

A quarterly update is presented to cabinet on 41 front line performance measures to ensure the council is delivering its services to an appropriate level for residents of the district.

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