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Opinion : Do you send your energy supplier ‘meter readings every day’?

Opinion : Do you send your energy supplier ‘meter readings every day’?

| May 21, 2021

No doubt occasionally you might get an estimated energy bill and need to send an updated meter reading.

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Opinion : Is there a potential problem with ‘under the counter’ transactions in modern banks?

Opinion : Is there a potential problem with ‘under the counter’ transactions in modern banks?

| May 21, 2021

A good friend recently told me about a problem they encountered in a bank.

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Opinion : Was it worth voting in the recent local government elections?

Opinion : Was it worth voting in the recent local government elections?

| May 10, 2021

The local government elections have taken place and the results announced, but was it worth voting?

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Opinion : Should foreign holidays be banned this year?

Opinion : Should foreign holidays be banned this year?

| May 5, 2021

It is possible that soon some form of foreign travel may be allowed following the recent lock down.

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Opinion : Did the 2021 Census miss key questions?

Opinion : Did the 2021 Census miss key questions?

| March 22, 2021

Last Sunday 21st March 2021 happened to be Census day.

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Opinion : No jab, no normal life?

Opinion : No jab, no normal life?

| February 23, 2021

It seems that when lockdown ends the concept of a ‘Covid status certificate’ may become part of everyday life.

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Opinion : How could fly tipping be stopped in High Wycombe?

Opinion : How could fly tipping be stopped in High Wycombe?

| February 7, 2021

It seems the menace of fly tipping in Buckinghamshire is in the news once again.

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Opinion : Did it really need so much granite?

Opinion : Did it really need so much granite?

| January 31, 2021

Back in August 2020 it was announced that a series of ‘granite features’ were to be installed on certain roads in Wycombe town centre.

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Opinion : How should the £15m be spent to improve Wycombe town centre?

Opinion : How should the £15m be spent to improve Wycombe town centre?

| January 15, 2021

It seems that £15m has been allocated to invest in High Wycombe town centre.

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Opinion : The Christmas party is over now Buckinghamshire is in Tier 4

Opinion : The Christmas party is over now Buckinghamshire is in Tier 4

| December 20, 2020

Sadly Christmas 2020 has been ‘cancelled’ with Buckinghamshire now placed under Tier 4 restrictions.

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